Monday, August 18, 2008

Duryudana, the kurawa's leader

Biography :

name : Duryudana

title : Prabhu ( king )

kingdom : Astina / Astinapura / Gajahoya

wife : dewi Banowati

grup : kurawa.

other names : Suyudhana ; Kurupati ; Gendariputra


the living

Duryudana or called prabhu Suyudhana is a king in Astinapura. He is into kurawa grup because Suyudhana is son of prabhu Drestarasta, as known that all of the Drestarasta's son was called kurawa ( kuru blood ), Suyudhana as the kurawa's leader because he was first son of Drestarasta.

He was called Kurupati because he was the kurawa's leader.

Suyudhana was meant that Duryudana had became king while he is young old.

Gendariputra was meant that Duryudana was dewi Gendari's son.

Astina is the very rich and wealth country then several of countries became to apart to Astina, as Awangga and Magadha.

In Bharatayudha battle, Duryudana fight against to Bima/Werkudara from pandawa. In the 18th day of bharatayudha, Duryudana had killed by Bima.

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