Sunday, August 24, 2008

Drestarasta, Kurawa's father

Biography :


Name : Drestarasta

From : Astina

Tittle : King

Father : Abhyasa

Mother : ?

Son : Kurawa ( a hundred son )

Wife : Gendari

The living
Drestarasta is a king in Astina for a time that when the Pandu's son (pandawa) was in adult , Drestarasta would had to giving back .
Drestarasta is the older brother of Pandu, because of Drestarasta was blind so Pandu had gotten as a king.
Drestarasta gave it before to his son,Duryudana, then when at the time Duryudana would give back to Pandawa.

After bharatayudha battle, Drestarasta invited the winner, pandawa, to gave a saying that he was so respecting to Pandawa.
The most that he hated of pandawa was Bima because of Bima had killed his son, Duryudana, Drestarasta would give gracefull and praying to Bima with touched Bima's head. But Kresna said to Bima that Drestarasta had a hairloom and violent power in his hand that everything could to be broken by his touching of his hand. The true was Drestarasta would to revenged for the dead of Duryudana. Bima was very angry then Bima hit Drestarasta's head with Bima's hairloom gun named 'Godo rujak polo'.
Drestarasta dead.

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