Thursday, August 21, 2008

Durna, guru of pandawa and kurawa

Biography :

Name : Durna

From : Astina kingdom

Tittle : Priest and guru in Astina

son : Aswatama

Durna or Kumbayana is in the mahabharata epic only. There is image of Durna in java's wayang kulit performance. Durna is one of the many violent resi, he is as guru ( teacher ) of all pandawa and kurawa. When Durna was young, he is a son of a king. Durna young didn't want to be a king as same as his father then he went out from the country and he became 'brahmana' ( holy man ). And Durna learned to RamaParasu ( Rama Parasu is the most violent guru that has long age. Ramaparasu live since ramayana era till mahabarata era- +/- 700 years old ).
Durna become guru for Pandawa and Kurawa

One upon a day, pandawa and kurawa ( still child ) was playing together and then they had trouble because of their toys had felt into deep hole.Several from boths pandawa and kurawa child tried to take their toys back but the hole was too deep then Durna came to and showing how to take a thing from the deep hole without entering hole, the toys suddenly was on hand. Pandawa and Kurawa talked to King Drestarasta about this, then they prefered Durna as their guru. Pandawa and Kurawa learned to Durna together.

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