Wednesday, September 3, 2008

At saturday midnight i listened wayang in my city's radio

Yeap. In every saturday night, at midnight, i hear in FM local radio a wayangkulitshow that make me happy. Later the radio had been heard a lakon "Sumantri ngenger". This was a story about bambang Sumantri a begawan Suwandagni's son that had been fighted himself against to prabhu Arjunasasra a king in Maespati for a giving dewi Citrawati to prabhu Arjunasasra. Sumantri had got dewi Citrawati a magadha's angle with the high difficulty that Sumantri had to loose a thousand lord and king that they would got dewi Citrawati too.

After all.In the front of triumphal arch or Maespati Kingdom that seen Sumantri had brought dewi Citrawati and eight hundreds woman as "putri domas" that had needed as dewi Citrawati want. Sumantri stopped himself and all the dewi Citrawati and his Domases. Why ?

Patih Kertanadi, as prime minister of prabhu Arjunasasra, came then said why Sumantri didn't go to the prabhu Arjunasasra ? Sumantri would gave dewi Citrawati with the condition that Prabhu Arjunasasra have to fight againts to him.

The music and the story that had been played by dalang was too dramatically and different to other stories of wayangkulitpurwa show. Because of boths, bambang Sumantri and prabhu Arjunasasra, were known had the highest violent ( Sakti Maharana ), Sumantri had lose thousand of lords and kings and prabhu Arjunasasra had lose Dasamuka/Rahwana a king in Alengka, with easy.

at 4.00 a.m. the wayangkulit show was the end. I have an idea that you have to get it , the enjoying of wayangkulit purwa show.

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