Dewi Citrawati is a son of a king in Magadha kingdom. She is one of reincarnation of Dewi Widawati, and as a reincarnation of dewi Widawati so she has been pursued by prabhu Rahwana in order to be his wife.
Then someday there is a 'sayembara' (contest) in Magadha which have made by the king of Magadha, the contest about to looking for who is as husband of Magadha's Princess, Dewi Citrawati.So, there's seen hundreds 'ksatria' (king or knight) from another countries. but the contest has a rule, there's just a winner. the contest is looking for a ksatria who has 'sakti mandraguna' (powerful and violent).
A king who is famous because of his power on this contest day has been seen, he is prabhu Arjunasasra. He comes to joining the contest.
Till the winner is seen, he's prabhu Arjunasasra. So Dewi Citrawati becomes his wife.
But Unfortenatelly before the wedding party begin, there's just a king who complaining and make riots and he's prabhu Rahwana or Dasamuka. Why? because of Dewi Citrawati is a reincarnation of Dewi Widawati so she has to become Dasamuka's wife. Dasamuka has bad habits of his 'evil' wishing. Then fighting of Dasamuka and Arjunasasra start and both have big power of saktimandraguna.
And as Wishnu reincarnation so prabhu ArjunaSasra can winning easily from Rahwana.
So, the wedding party ceremonial of princess Citrawati and king ArjunaSasra continued.
And this story is about an epic of ramayana.